Transforming and Expanding the Sentence, Nominals, Adverbials, and Adjectivals Part III

Directions: In a separate Word document, identify each of the underlined elements according to both its form and its function.  Form refers to word categories (noun, verb, preposition, etc.), names of phrases (prepositional phrase, noun phrase, gerund phrase, etc.), and clauses.  Function refers to the specific role the word or word group plays in the sentence: subject, direct object, modifier of run, etc. 


I think that studying history is fascinating.

Form: Nominal clause  Function: dir obj


1. The elections on our campus rarely bring out many voters.

Form: Noun Phrase     Function: direct object


2. Many students obviously consider the student elections unimportant.

Form: Noun Phrase     Function: direct object


3. Many students obviously consider the student elections unimportant.

Form: Adverb Function: modifier of ‘consider’.


4. They do think national elections are important.

Form: Noun Clause     Function: direct object


5. They do think national elections are important.

Form: Noun Phrase     Function: subject


6. Our friend from Tampa spent last winter with us in Idaho.

Form: Adverbial Phrase           Function: modifier of ‘spent’.


7. He often wondered if winter would ever end.

Form: Adverbial clause            Function: modifier for ‘wondered’


8. Worrying gives a small thing a big shadow.

Form: Gerund              Function: subject


9. Worrying gives a small thing a big shadow.

Form: Noun Phrase     Function: indirect object


10. Worrying gives a small thing a big shadow.

Form: Noun Phrase     Function: direct object



Transforming and Expanding the Sentence, Nominals, Adverbials, and Adjectivals Part I available at


Transforming and Expanding the Sentence, Nominals, Adverbials, and Adjectivals Part II available at


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